Office Desktop Shortcuts



I have several shortcuts on my computers desktop. For example I have a
shortcut for 'Microsoft Office Word 2003.' but on the desktop it truncates (
or shortens ) the shortcut name to ' Microsoft Ofice W....' When I click on
the icon I can view the entire shortcut name, but after a little while the
name gets shorten again. Is there a way I can make all my shortcuts display
the entire file name even if the file name is a bit lengthly??

Don MI

Bentley26 said:
I have several shortcuts on my computers desktop. For example I have a
shortcut for 'Microsoft Office Word 2003.' but on the desktop it truncates
or shortens ) the shortcut name to ' Microsoft Ofice W....' When I click
the icon I can view the entire shortcut name, but after a little while the
name gets shorten again. Is there a way I can make all my shortcuts
the entire file name even if the file name is a bit lengthly??

What you observe is normal. What you can do is right click on the name and
select Rename. In your example, just Word 2003 should be sufficient.



But the word was just an example. I have some shortcuts that are detailed
file names and I dont want to rename to something shorter. Is there anyway I
can keep my long file names but have them displayed fully on the desktop?

Gary Smith

This is really a Windows issue rather than an Office issue. It may be
possible to do what you want by increasing the spacing between icons, but
you'll need to post in a group devoted to your Windows version in order to
get information on how to do that.

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