Office Document and Imaging Issue for Tiff Files


Danny F

I have a very strange issue that is driving me crazy. I am about to roll out
Office 2007 Std to all computers in office but cannot due to this issue.

I uninstall Office 2003 and then install Office 2007. I set it up so it DOES
install the Microsoft Office Document Imaging program. We use this program
heavily as we work with a lot of TIFF files and everyone prefers MODI to the
built in windows apps. Here is the wierd part.

When a users computer is upgraded to 2007, they login and TIF files are not
associated with any program. So i have them choose Open With and select
Browse. They Browse to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
Shared\MODI\12.0\MSPView.exe. They select the file and press open but when it
goes back to the select program option the MODI option is not listed in
either recommended programs or other programs. Its as if the PC refuses to
allow MODI as an option for TIF. Gets stranger, I can log in with any other
user other than the one whos computer it belongs to and change use the Open
With option and browse and the file is there. I can have the user who can't
get this to work on there computer login on any other Office 2007 computer
and do this.

The ONLY way I can fix this is to make the user a Local Admin on their
computer, login, run MODI program, go to Tools | Options | Other and select
Reset under Default Program. This is not a workable solution for everyone.

Why can anyone else, even non admin users, login after uprade and make the
change using the Open With, but the user who uses the computer daily can't?

It seems like the upgrade breaks the tiff default program association for
any user who has already logged into the machine before upgrade and then
refuses you to be able to set the Open With program to MODI, only for users
who have already logged in.

Extremely frustrating and preventing my Office 2007 roll out. And costing MS
Money as I won't but the licenses until this is fixed.


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