Office Enterprise Reload Possible?



I have Office Enterprise 2007 and need to reload my Vista program. Last time
i did this it deleted my Office program. If I do it again will My Product
Key still be valid. It was a licensed to I believe 10 products, If that
means anything. The licenses have now all been used. I sure don't want to
lose the program.


Susan Ramlet

If you re-install on the same hardware, you should be good to go. If product
activation fails, use the telephone method.

JoAnn Paules

What the dickens are you doing to your computer that you need to reinstall
your OS so often? If you run into activation issues, use the telephone
option and explain.

Earle Horton

Licenses are on a per-hardware basis. In other words it will not require
another license or count as another install to reinstall the product on a
computer, where it has once been legally installed and activated. Many
people who post here miss this point, and imho Microsoft does not explain it
very well in the EULA, if you even read the EULA and have the patience to
find the section that deals with it.


Peter Foldes

On Office Enterprise once you use up your 10 Cal's you will need to call in by phone
in no matter what. If you are not going to be using the same Mother Board to which
you applied your 10 Cal's then you will be out of luck. For Enterprise the license
regulations are kept quite serious. You can try and explain this over the phone but
I doubt that it will work after that many license uses (re-installs) in a short time
at that. They might ask you to purchase a single license.

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