Hi Dave,
I developed the xls, I was just adding effectively two lines of code to ask
the user on Workbook_Open() if they wanted to print the xls and exit.
Re: somethingaboutyourpc = false - It's a new laptop with all new software -
standard installs.
Using the Aut
pen() method, I'd resolved the issue with:
Public Sub Aut
'Prompt user on opening XLS to Print Worksheet and quit.
Dim Resp As Variant
Resp = MsgBox("Do you wish to Print and Exit ?", _
vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbSystemModal, _
"Print & Exit ?")
If Resp = vbYes Then
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
End If
End Sub
And it fires as expected.
Not worth spending more time mulling over, but thank-you very much for your
time and patience with this issue.
Hope others have been able to benefit.
Dave Peterson said:
I don't think so (about the xl2003 basic edition).
And you checked to see if the event was firing--with that msgbox stuff?
Maybe it's firing and doing nothing for you:
if somethingaboutyourpc = false then exit sub
Have you spoken to the developer to see what he or she thinks?
Cameron said:
Hi again Dave,
I tried the code you provided using Workbook_Open() and the
Application.OnTime statement.
Sadly it still didn't work.
This has absolutely got me miffed !
Could it at all be due to me using the Excel 2003 Basic Edition?
xl97 added the workbook_open event, but auto_open is still supported.
Did you add that msgbox to the workbook_open event (near the top) to see if the
event was actually started?
I have seen posts like this that:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.OnTime Now, "Continue_Open"
End Sub
Then in a general module:
sub Continue_Open()
'your real code here
end sub
Sometimes there would be timing issues that could be avoided this way. (I've
never seen this in real life, though--but others have.)
Cameron Young wrote:
Hi Dave,
Yes, the Auto_open() does work, but I was under the impression that this was
an older (Excel) version process of the Workbook_Open().
If you create a test subroutine in a test workbook:
Option Explicit
sub testme01
msgbox "hi"
exit sub
Then close (and save) that test workbook.
Then reopen it, can you run that sub yourself?
If you rename TestMe01 to Auto_open, then close (and save) and reopen, does the
Auto_open procedure run?
(Testme and auto_open should be in a general module.)
Can you edit the workbook_open event code?
If yes, can you just add:
Msgbox "Hi"
right near the top.
Then you'll know if the event is firing (and something else breaks) or if it's
the event that's not firing.
(And double check that Tools|Macro|Security setting.)
Cameron Young wrote:
Have not yet tried.
The workbook I'm having trouble with does work as expected on other users
........[minutes later].......
No, sadly, no other xls workbooks with Workbook_Open() events are working.
This is a problem.
Do other workbooks with macros run when you open them the same way?
Cameron Young wrote:
I open the file by either:
a) Double-clicking the file from its folder.
b) Using the Excel Recent FilecHistory list.
c) Performing a "File | Open".
How do you open that workbook?
Do you open it using another macro in a different workbook?
If yes, do you use a shortcut key assigned to that macro.
If yes, does that shortcut key include the shiftkey.
If yes (again!), then remove the shiftkey from the short cut key.
Do you have events enabled when you try to open the workbook?
Cameron Young wrote:
Thanks for your responces.
Bob:: Workbook_Open() code is in the ThisWorkbook module.
Dave:: Have already sert the macro security to low. And still nothing.
Close that workbook (if it's open)
tools|macro|security...|security level tab
Change it to medium (to be prompted each time a workbook containing macros
change it to low (to always allow macros to run)
Cameron Young wrote:
Hi Bob,
Actually, all of it. For some reason the Workbook_Open() event just doesn't
seem to fire.
Which bit doesn't work?
Bob Phillips
Hi all,
Have whipped the following code in Excel/VBA and placed in the
'ThisWorkbook' module. The problem that I have is that it works well with
other users using Excel 2003 Standard edition.
I'm using Beginners edition - is that why the code won't run?
The vba code:
[-- code start --]
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
'Prompt user on opening XLS to Print Worksheet and quit.
Dim Resp
Resp = MsgBox("Do you wish to Print and Exit ?", _
vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _
"Print & Exit ?")
If Resp = vbYes Then
End If
End Sub
[-- code end --]
Please help - this is driving me nuts.