Office file associations (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx) lost



I have run into a strange problem with a few of our Office 2007 installs. I
am deploying to 180 computers, or was until this cropped up. We are currently
running Office 2003 and I use a custom MSP to do the install. The install
process uninstalls Office 2003. The install is done via an admin level
account on the computers. On maybe 5% of these when I log on as the user
after the process is finished, at least one 2007 file type is not associated
with Office 2007. All the computers are the same hardware and used the same
Windows XP SP2 image for original deployment.

I have tried reinstalling Office, having Office repair itself, and manually
associating the file with Word 07, Excel 07, or whatever module is not
recognizing its file type. None of these solutions work.

My only solution at this point is to rename the users profile folder and
create a new one. Then all the associations are as they should be. But this
is pain and time consuming. With as many references to this as I have found
on the Internet I was hoping Microsoft would have figured out and easy fix
for it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,


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