Hi Macjammer -
If it's any comfort to you, .mdi files are just as much a frustration to
Windows users as they are to you. MS Office Document Imaging seems to be the
only app that can save/open files in that format. Even the Windows version
of Acrobat Professional, Illustrator & PhotoShop can't do anything with
them. They then have to be reopened in that app and handled in a variety of
different ways from there depending on how the content is to be used in what
program. Below is a response from MVP Bob Buckland to a user in the Word ng
for Windows:
You can open the .mdi graphic (a modified .TIF file) in MS Office 2003
document imaging >and then use one of these techniques while
in MS Office Document Imaging
(Start=>Programs=>Microsoft Office=>Microsoft Office Tools)
to use the item in Word
(a) Use Optical Character Recognition to send the text content to Word.
(b) Highlight the parts of the image you want to copy to Word, right click
and choose >'copy image' then paste it into Word.
(c) In Document Imaging use Edit=>Select all
to choose the graphics elements on the page then Edit=>Copy Image, switch
to Word and >paste.
(d) In Document Imaging Use File=>Save As and choose the TIFF file format
and you >can then use Insert=>Picture From File to insert
the graphic into Word. (note that only the 'top page' of a multipage TIFF
or MDI graphic >file can be seen when inserting it into Word).
I am wanting to insert a .mdi picture from a file into a word 2003
but word does not recognize it and asks me what I would like to convert it
(none of the jpeg, etc options work). Is there a way of making word
.mdi files?>>
I hope this helped you,
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office system products MVP
See the additional interjections below:
Macjammer said:
I am having a lot of trouble with Microsofts' version of the .tiff
format, .mdi.
You & most everyone else who has the misfortune of encountering them.
More and more of my important details are being sent to me in the .mdi
format and I have nothing to open them with?
Only because whoever is creating them doesn't know how (or is too lazy) to
output the scanned data into a *usable* format. Unless the whole group from
which they are being sent are gluttons for punishment I wouldn't expect this
'trend' to last very long... especially if you give it the proper push.
Apparently not even Office 2004 let alone my current package Office v.X
will open the .mdi file.
Nor will anything other than MSODI, as indicated above.
I have also had all sorts of conflicting information surrounding this
format to include, dump Mac and go Windows!
Most likely 'sound' advice from Windows addicts who have no concept of what
a Mac is nor the freedom to choose for themselves what system they can
use... the human animal is always most critical of that which it doesn't

Especially true in this case, as you're essentially being told
that since *they* don't know how to cure the headache you might as well
inflict more serious pain in order to take your mind off it.
Roz Ho and her team keep stating the compatabilties between the Mac and
Windows versions, so why am I having this trouble?
Compatible, yes, Identical, no. As long as there are fundamental differences
in the respective OS there will always be some mavericks that are unique to
one or the other - and quite often that's a *good* thing. The key issue
here - if I might pontificate a little more - is that 'compatiblity' is
something to which two or more parties must be willing to strive for - it
rarely "just happens". I believe that the thrust of Roz's position is that
there is more than ample common ground as long as one side doesn't insist on
shooting itself in the foot to spite the other