Office keeps scrolling automatically back to the top of the page.



I have users that are having issues with their Office programs. They will
scroll down in an open window and it automatically goes back up to the top of
the page. Sometimes it does the opposite and jumps down to the bottom. It
is NOT an issue with the mouse or the scroll wheel, but very much resembles
what happens when you press in the scroll wheel and attempt to move somewhere
else on the page.

Restarting fixes the problem, but only temporarily

Has anybody figured out how to fix this yet?


Windows XP has a feature whereby you can scroll to another place in your
window and jump back to where you were by pulling the cursor off the
scrollbar for some distance before letting go of the mouse button. Perhaps
that is your issue, although it occurs everywhere you find a scroll bar, not
just in Office.


I showed the users that feature and was told that it wasn't the same thing.
They told me that they will be in Word and it will automatically go to the
last page. Also, if they try things in Excel it will scroll down to the last
cell and if they use the mouse or the keyboard to move back up, it
automatically returns to the last cell. I played around with the scroll lock
and page up and down buttons, but I have not been able to recreate the
problem on my own laptop or PC.

Rebooting does solve the problem, but it does come back when they access
different file (not just 1 corrupt file). There are about 5-10 people
experiencing this throughout the company in different satellite locations.

Thanks for any help!!!

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