Office License


Pedro Santos

Good evening,

I have a doubt, to which i´m looking for some help: when i buy an Office
product (in my case, an Office 2003 Student Ed.), it comes with a license. My
question is: can i use the same license in two computers i own (specifically,
a laptop and a desktop)?
Thanks for the help.


Boa noite,
Possuo uma dúvida, à qual procuro resposta. Após adquirir um determindado
producto Office (no meu caso, um Office 2003 Student Edition), ele vem com
uma licença. Posso usar essa mesma licença em 2 computadores que possuo (um
desktop e um laptop)?
Grato pela informação dispensada, despeço-me.

Pedro Miguel G. Santos

Ben M. Schorr - MVP (OneNote)

Yes, assuming they are both used by the same user. If I recall
correctly Student and Teacher Edition, in fact, allows for 3 computers
-- but you should read the EULA (End-User License Agreement) which you
can find under the Help | About menu in the product. It will tell you
what the license allows.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Author - The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007:

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