Office Live Setup Problem


D''vora Grossbaum

Windows XP Pro SP3; Office 2003
We have two users on Windows. Installed Office Live from user Avraham. It
works fine on that user. On user Dvora, the popup "Get Started with Office
Live" appears every time I run an Office Program, even though "Do not show me
this message again" is checked.


We have Windows XP Pro SP2 with Office 2007 SP1 and we installed the office
live addin and we also are having he same issue. Even though the box is
checked not to show up again, it comes up every time you open an office
product. Any help would be appreciated.


Lucio Menci

I have Vista Business with Office 2007 SP1, only one user (declared as
administrator onto local machine), I have the same issue. It'seems that
Office Live Beta isn't tested on the splash window... :)


i am having this same issue with a user we upgrade from excel 2003 to 2007.
it is very annoying. has anyone found a solution?


thanks for telling me know. i did not realize that since i posted to the
Office Live Setup Problem that users would not even read the before replies
or even the beginning post.

Thanks Gordon.

Bob I

Looks to me like a "me too" thread.

thanks for telling me know. i did not realize that since i posted to the
Office Live Setup Problem that users would not even read the before replies
or even the beginning post.

Thanks Gordon.


MMC Cory

Lorne said:
Windows XP SP3, all updates installed, Office 2007.

Every time I start an office program I get a popup window with the heading
"Getting started with office live". How can I disable this window so it
never shows again?

It has a checkbox that is supposed to stop it showing again but that has
no effect.

I do use office live and have had it set up for some time. Only one of my
computers shows this behaviour.

Just after posting this I found a solution - in case anybody else has the
same problem (caused if you install office live on one machine and the use
it and install an update on another this solves it:

Add a base registry key named OfficeLive under the
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft subkey.

Once that key has been created the next time you start an office program it
should create two new DWORD entries (FirstRunCredsDeleted and
FirstRunDontShow), both set to 1. Problem arises because the OfficeLive key
only exists on the machine you used to setup office live and no checks are
made to create it if you then access Office Live from another machine.

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