I am getting a new G4 933 MHz iBook for Christmas. As I understand
it, Panther does not have Classic built into it. I currently have a
G3 iMac with Office: Mac 2001 installed and running. Both 9.2.2 and
OSX are running on the iMac.
Now the question...can you purchase the Office v.X upgrade and install
on the iBook? The way I understand things, I wouldn't be able to
install Office: Mac 2001 on the iBook and therefore wouldn't be able
to take advantage of the price break on the upgrade. Is there a way
to purchase the v.X upgrade and enter the cd key from Office: Mac 2001
when it doesn't find an existing version?
I had hoped to keep everything on the iBook native as opposed to
having it run both Classic 9 and OSX Panther.
it, Panther does not have Classic built into it. I currently have a
G3 iMac with Office: Mac 2001 installed and running. Both 9.2.2 and
OSX are running on the iMac.
Now the question...can you purchase the Office v.X upgrade and install
on the iBook? The way I understand things, I wouldn't be able to
install Office: Mac 2001 on the iBook and therefore wouldn't be able
to take advantage of the price break on the upgrade. Is there a way
to purchase the v.X upgrade and enter the cd key from Office: Mac 2001
when it doesn't find an existing version?
I had hoped to keep everything on the iBook native as opposed to
having it run both Classic 9 and OSX Panther.