I just installed Office Mac 2008 on my new Mac. It worked fine the first day.
Now all the symbols for Word, Excel, Power Point, Entourage are on the dock
with a question mark on top of them and I can not open them. Any suggestions
These are probably the icons for Office 2004 which you had the installer
remove during the installation process. In any case, click on these icons
and then drag them out of the dock to make them disappear (don't worry,
these are only shortcuts, not the actual applications). Then click on the
Finder icon in the dock and click on Applications in the sidebar. Scroll
down to the Office 2008 folder, open it and drag the individual applications
into the dock. You have now created new shortcuts, so everything should be
back to normal again.
Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:mac (Entourage & Word)
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