office:mac apps all quit on opening



Version: v.X
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC


I tried repairing permissions and using 10.1.9 Updater, but no go opening office v. X apps. anymore. Are they completely defunct since two days ago? What if a reinstall has also not worked? Restoring from several days ago via Time Machine does not help.


Hi Reggie -

Did the problem start before applying the 10.1.9 update or after?

Did you repair permissions *after* updating?

Does this happen when you attempt to launch using the Doc icons or have you
tried going to the Applications folder & launching the programs directly? Do
you get the same behavior either way?

Have you installed any add-ins or utilities that could be causing conflict?

What happens if you double-click a file icon in Finder?

Are there any error messages? If so, what is the exact content?

Have you checked the OS X crash logs?

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Diane Ross

I tried repairing permissions and using 10.1.9 Updater, but no go opening
office v. X apps. anymore. Are they completely defunct since two days ago?
What if a reinstall has also not worked? Restoring from several days ago via
Time Machine does not help.

Testing in a new User will quickly tell you if the problem is system wide or
if it¹s your User¹s folder that contains the problem.

Go to System Preferences --> Create a New User in Accounts. Switch to the
New User by logging out/in or use Fast User Switching. Test Office there.

reggie ronconi

The problem started before updating. The most recent changes to my system involved downloading several applications from the web that are supposed to convert videos for the web.

I have now tried repairing permissions after updating, and it does not help. I have also tried reinstalling, then updating, then repairing permissions, and that does not work, either. Reversing sequence of the repair of permissions and the update also does not seem to matter.

I can now launch by opening from a .doc in any application, but never from the application icons on my hard drive or from any icons i create in the dock.

The error message always says: "The application (Word) quit unexpectedly. Mac OS X and other applications are not affected. Click Relaunch to laucn the applicaiton again. Click Report to see more details or send a report to Apple."

I do not know exactly what Bob means by OS X crash logs. Where to find those?

I will now try Diane's suggestion.

Thanks RR

Diane Ross

reggie ronconi said:
I have now tried logging in as a different user, but still no go.

From what you are describing I'm suspicious of your base OS files.

You might need to download the combo updater from Apple and run it again
rather than using Software Update. Doing so overwrites potentially
problem-causing files. Several users have reported this fixed some odd
problems they were having with Office. Combo updaters will install on the
same version as they¹re applying‹no need to roll back or do a clean install.


Mac OS X 10.5.4 Combo Update
(For both PowerPC- and Intel-based Macs )

If it fails there, do an "Archive and Install" of the OS. "Archive and
Install" moves existing system files to a folder named Previous System and
then installs Mac OS X again. Just be sure to check Preserve Users and
Network Settings when you select Archive & Install.

The last time I had to do an "Archive & Install" the only thing I had to
re-install was my Microsoft keyboard software.

Also see this page for solutions when you are crashing:


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