Office Mac upgrade


Howard Brazee

I read about the Super Suite Deal to upgrade my wife's Office Mac. So
I asked my wife for her receipt, went to the web page, filled in the
forms, including my Mastercard number to pay for the shipping and
handling - and then was told to print out two copies of a page telling
me to send a copy of my receipt - and the original product box top
with product name and barcode clearly identified.

I wish it had told me I need my box before taking my money, because my
box is long gone.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Howard,

You may want to call the folks handling the Mac 2008 upgrade on Monday (closed for Thanksgiving weekend), 888-285-6247 to explain
the situation to see if they have an alternative requirement that might be used.

Note that the (technology guarantee) upgrade to Office:mac 2008 only applies to Office:mac 2004 products purchased between 01Nov2007
and 14Jan2008.

====================I read about the Super Suite Deal to upgrade my wife's Office Mac. So
I asked my wife for her receipt, went to the web page, filled in the
forms, including my Mastercard number to pay for the shipping and
handling - and then was told to print out two copies of a page telling
me to send a copy of my receipt - and the original product box top
with product name and barcode clearly identified.

I wish it had told me I need my box before taking my money, because my
box is long gone.>>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

This is not Microsoft.

And every product rebate I have ever seen for software requires some item from the software box, either a barcode or a box top. Ask for a refund from your credit card company.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Howard Brazee asked:

| I read about the Super Suite Deal to upgrade my wife's Office Mac. So
| I asked my wife for her receipt, went to the web page, filled in the
| forms, including my Mastercard number to pay for the shipping and
| handling - and then was told to print out two copies of a page telling
| me to send a copy of my receipt - and the original product box top
| with product name and barcode clearly identified.
| I wish it had told me I need my box before taking my money, because my
| box is long gone.

Howard Brazee

It looks as though I will be getting my Christmas Mac in January (my
wife's paying for much of it and when I said I was thinking of waiting
for Apple announcements, she liked that idea very much).

She doesn't see a big need to upgrade her Office for Mac.

So now I'm trying to decide whether to spend my money for Office or
for iWork. My work uses Office in its Windows environment. If I
pick Office, I should buy it now to get the upgrade.

Howard Brazee

So now I'm trying to decide whether to spend my money for Office or
for iWork. My work uses Office in its Windows environment. If I
pick Office, I should buy it now to get the upgrade.

I also will move my Office 2003 to my Windows XP in Parallels.

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