Office not working




Like a few other people I have read about, my Office stopped working
correctly. Mainly I used WORD. I couldn't print from Word, add clipart
(that would shut down WORD), open some attachments(also would shut
down WORD)

I did the disk repair, contacted the micrsoft help people and went
through all their suggestions. One being to uninstall and
reinstall...which I did AND NOW....I can't reinstall it. I put in the
start-up disk and it starts "working" but before ANYTHING can happen
it just shuts down. I watch it in the dock, bouncing up and down and
then disappears...again and again and again. I have tried the
other install option of dragging it to my hard drive...but that
doesn't work either. Microsoft send me another didn't work


Oddly enough, my husband just got a macbook and HE can't install
either the original or the replacement on his computer either.




Hello Jill,
I'm sorry you have such trouble, however, renstall will hardly solve any
problem on Mac, is tahat what the MS pople has suggested?

We all want you help to solve the problem, but first we need to know more
information, such as which office, which OS do you use, also brief
description of steps you have already done would be great.

0. Shut down all Office application

1. you need to get rid of that office version which is partly installed as
you mention tou have re-installed it with problems
Navigate to Application >MS folder >additionla tools>remove office

2. run verify and repairt disk permitions

3. install office from the CD

4. run verify and repairt disk permitions

5. download combo updater for your operationg system (you forgot to mention
which one do you use so I cannot give you the direct link)

6. download combo updater for your office

7. run verify and repairt disk permitions

8. Now try to run the office

If this will not help post back and let us know what you have done so far.
Good luck


Hi! Thanks for the help.

I have gone through steps1 -3 and that is where I get stuck. I cannot
install Office. I insert the disk, click on Start-Up assistant and it
begins to work..(the machine is whirring etc).....I see it bouncing in
the dock...and then it shuts down. I cannot get past this stage.

I am using a MacBook with Os X 10.4.9

I am trying to install Office Mac 2004.

Still need help!


Diane Ross

I have gone through steps1 -3 and that is where I get stuck. I cannot
install Office. I insert the disk, click on Start-Up assistant and it
begins to work..(the machine is whirring etc).....I see it bouncing in
the dock...and then it shuts down. I cannot get past this stage.

I am using a MacBook with Os X 10.4.9

I am trying to install Office Mac 2004.

Try running the combo updater:

Combo updaters will install on the same version as they¹re applying‹no need
to roll back or do a clean install.

The combo update installer updates Mac OS X 10.4, 10.4.1, 10.4.2, 10.4.3,
10.4.4, 10.4.5, 10.4.6, 10.4.7, or 10.4.8 to 10.4.9

Mac OS X 10.4.9 Combo Update (Intel)


More info on why applying the combo updater helps:


Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
Entourage Help Blog


Hi Diane

I ran the combo updater and it didn't work! I still cannot even get to
a point where I can load Office. I put in the disc, the machine starts
to whir, the Office Startup Icon starts to bounce in the dock...and
then it shuts down.

Any other suggestions? I have gone to the MS help page and contacted
one of their help people who, after i tried everything he suggested,
thought I should get another "OFFICE" cd, I did...and that one doesn't
work either.



Hello Jill,
If you remove office or office test drive and still have problems it seems
me rather HW problem. I would like to ask you few questions.

Suggestion1: Just to make sure, could you kindly make a new User
profile/account on your Mac. Make sure you have set the proviledges to admin
and try to install Office in that account.

Suggestion2: Another question, can you read any other CD - either music or
data in your Cdrom drive?

Suggestion3: Did you encounter any other problem with your mac? Such as the
spinning ball when you work in other application or ANY suspicious

Suggestion4: Another hint which just hit me (except that I've been already
crazy): Can you try to run Repair disk - do not confuse that with verify
disk permition.
To do that please inser MacOS CD in your drive (just in case you can read
any other CD, mentioned in suggestion 2.) Switch off your Mac, switch it on
and press C key from the beggibning, the Mac should start from the CD, it
can take about 2 mimutes, so wait. If it starts from the CD navigate to
Utilities> Disk verify and make a not of any red notes it will give you. If
it will give you any red messages you can do Repair Disk to let it repair.
You migh need to run it more than once to repair the disk.

Then (or if it will not find any errors - red messages) quite it, to quit
the installer I think you have to navigate to Apple symbol and do Quit (I
think it was like this when I did it few weeks ago)

Let us know how you did abd good luck

Hi Diane

I ran the combo updater and it didn't work! I still cannot even get to
a point where I can load Office. I put in the disc, the machine starts
to whir, the Office Startup Icon starts to bounce in the dock...and
then it shuts down.

Any other suggestions? I have gone to the MS help page and contacted
one of their help people who, after i tried everything he suggested,
thought I should get another "OFFICE" cd, I did...and that one doesn't
work either.


Diane Ross

I ran the combo updater and it didn't work! I still cannot even get to
a point where I can load Office. I put in the disc, the machine starts
to whir, the Office Startup Icon starts to bounce in the dock...and
then it shuts down.

Have you verified that the disc works on another computer? If yes, then I
suggest doing an Archive & Install of the OS.

"Archive and Install" moves existing system files to a folder named Previous
System and then installs Mac OS X again.

Just be sure to check Preserve Users and Network Settings when you select
Archive & Install.

Mac OS X: About the Archive and Install feature


Archive and Install of the OS


General advice on performing an Archive and Install

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
Entourage Help Blog


Diane/Little Creature....

Thank you SO much for your help with this issue!

I have FINALLY figured out what the problem was...MY HUSBAND!! We both
have MacBook's. The old Office didn't work on either of the
computers..the NEW office disk I got from Mircosoft didn't work. We
tried everything. EXCEPT reinstalling my start-up disc because when I
had my Mac in for reapirs they never gave me back the start-up disc
back. husband who is "never" wrong insisted it was nothing
he did to the computers...yet he is always tweaking this and that and
removing this and that and installing this and that....MUCH to my
annoyance and repeated efforts to NOT MESS with my machine. (ne never
listens) I explained to him it must something that
happened to both our machines near the end of that is when
my Office went weird. "Oh, it probably has nothing to do with the fact
that I removed all the "languages" from the machine" he says
stubbornly. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! Well...sure enough, he reinstalled his
Operating system to the original settings and lo and behold...OFFICE test, he took off the languages again...OFFICE doesn't
work. So NOW, afterall this I now have to go and get a new start-up
disk...but finally I have an answer.

Thank you again,

in for repair beofre On Jun 15, 3:28 pm, Diane Ross

Diane Ross

I have FINALLY figured out what the problem was...MY HUSBAND!! We both
have MacBook's. The old Office didn't work on either of the
computers..the NEW office disk I got from Mircosoft didn't work. We
tried everything. EXCEPT reinstalling my start-up disc because when I
had my Mac in for reapirs they never gave me back the start-up disc
back. husband who is "never" wrong insisted it was nothing
he did to the computers...yet he is always tweaking this and that and
removing this and that and installing this and that....MUCH to my
annoyance and repeated efforts to NOT MESS with my machine. (ne never
listens) I explained to him it must something that
happened to both our machines near the end of that is when
my Office went weird. "Oh, it probably has nothing to do with the fact
that I removed all the "languages" from the machine" he says
stubbornly. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! Well...sure enough, he reinstalled his
Operating system to the original settings and lo and behold...OFFICE test, he took off the languages again...OFFICE doesn't
work. So NOW, afterall this I now have to go and get a new start-up
disk...but finally I have an answer.

LOL!!! You gotta love this guy. :) Threaten him with a lashing with a wet
noodle if he does this again.
Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
Entourage Help Blog

Clive Huggan

Dear Jill,

I have forwarded this to my wife.

I do not know whether she will think more highly of me or say "Another one!"


Clive Huggan

John McGhie

Hi Jill:

Sadly, that's a well-known side-effect of one of the nasty little utilities
out there that offers to "save disk space on your Mac". It appears that the
designer of said utility does not really understand modern software :)

As to your husband, well, that's what login passwords are for. :)

You tell him that you were reading up on "Security" on the Internet and
<insert name of favourite expert> recommended strongly that you put a
password on your computer, to prevent hackers getting in.

What you would be saying is, in fact, true :) If you put a password on the
machine, he will have to ASK you for it each time he wants to fiddle. You
can then ask him what he's going to do and how it will help YOU :)

If you don't understand the answer, tell him to try it on his machine, and
let you know how well it works in six months and you will "consider" it :)

What's to prevent you using the startup disk from your husband's machine?
So long as you have the correct licence key (the one for YOUR machine...) it
should work fine... Actually, I don't think you even need a licence key for
an Apple startup disk, do you?


Diane/Little Creature....

Thank you SO much for your help with this issue!

I have FINALLY figured out what the problem was...MY HUSBAND!! We both
have MacBook's. The old Office didn't work on either of the
computers..the NEW office disk I got from Mircosoft didn't work. We
tried everything. EXCEPT reinstalling my start-up disc because when I
had my Mac in for reapirs they never gave me back the start-up disc
back. husband who is "never" wrong insisted it was nothing
he did to the computers...yet he is always tweaking this and that and
removing this and that and installing this and that....MUCH to my
annoyance and repeated efforts to NOT MESS with my machine. (ne never
listens) I explained to him it must something that
happened to both our machines near the end of that is when
my Office went weird. "Oh, it probably has nothing to do with the fact
that I removed all the "languages" from the machine" he says
stubbornly. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! Well...sure enough, he reinstalled his
Operating system to the original settings and lo and behold...OFFICE test, he took off the languages again...OFFICE doesn't
work. So NOW, afterall this I now have to go and get a new start-up
disk...but finally I have an answer.

Thank you again,

in for repair beofre On Jun 15, 3:28 pm, Diane Ross

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

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