Office Professional 2007



My company purchased the Office Professional 2007 awhile ago for the staff
that works remotely and I have it on a desktop at my home. Now they have
decided to use a dedicated server running Windows Server 2003 Standard
Edition. Can the Office Professional I have on my desktop be installed onto
the server? And can more licenses be purchased for multiple users or use the
licenses that we all have for our copy of Office Professional? Or are they
going to have to purchase a new product with multiple users?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Are you asking about installing Office 2007 on the Standard server to be
used as a terminal server?

The answer would be no - your company would need an Enterprise copy of
Office with a Volume License to install for terminal services.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, Candy asked:

| My company purchased the Office Professional 2007 awhile ago for the
| staff that works remotely and I have it on a desktop at my home. Now
| they have decided to use a dedicated server running Windows Server
| 2003 Standard Edition. Can the Office Professional I have on my
| desktop be installed onto the server? And can more licenses be
| purchased for multiple users or use the licenses that we all have for
| our copy of Office Professional? Or are they going to have to
| purchase a new product with multiple users?

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