Office Programs Lock Up When Trying to Print



Version: v.X
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

Entourage, Word, Excell, and Powerpoint all lock up when i try to print. I have uninstalled and deleted my preferences then reinstalled and same problem. I have ran disk utility and repaired permissions. Still locks up. I do not believe that my printers are the problem (I have 7 printers connected through the network) No matter which printer i have set as my default, office still locks up. I have no problems printing to any of the printers from any other programs that I run. I am out of ideas. ANY help would be wonderful!

Diane Ross

Entourage, Word, Excell, and Powerpoint all lock up when i try to print. I
have uninstalled and deleted my preferences then reinstalled and same problem.
I have ran disk utility and repaired permissions. Still locks up. I do not
believe that my printers are the problem (I have 7 printers connected through
the network) No matter which printer i have set as my default, office still
locks up. I have no problems printing to any of the printers from any other
programs that I run. I am out of ideas. ANY help would be wonderful!

See this page for help with print errors:

Print Errors <>

Kwik Graphics

I checked out the web page and found no help. I switched my identity in entourage and still cannot print. When i tried to rebuild my database entourage "locked up" (the rebuild box would pop up and i told it to do a typical rebuild then the status would stay at 0 and go nowhere, after a while i just force quit) I did find the last update for Office X (10.9.1) and downloaded and installed it. I still cannot print from any office program.

Diane Ross

Kwik Graphics said:
I checked out the web page and found no help. I switched my identity in
entourage and still cannot print. When i tried to rebuild my database
entourage "locked up" (the rebuild box would pop up and i told it to do a
typical rebuild then the status would stay at 0 and go nowhere, after a while
i just force quit) I did find the last update for Office X (10.9.1) and
downloaded and installed it. I still cannot print from any office program.

Entourage X is "end of life" software. I'm assuming you could print. We need
to determine if it's Entourage, your User's folder or the OS that's at

Testing in a new User will quickly tell you if the problem is system wide or
if it's your User's folder that contains the problem.

Go to System Preferences --> Create a New User in Accounts. Switch to the
New User by logging out/in or use Fast User Switching. Test printing there
with a new blank Entourage Identity. If that works, you can move your Main
Identity to the Shared folder so it can be accessed from the new test user.
If it works there, then it's your User's folder, if it fails, then you know
it's your database.

Let me know what you find.

Kwik Kopy Graphics

Okay, I created a new Account, and test printed successfully out of a new blank Entourage Identity. Then copied my main identity to the shared folder and printed successfully using my main identity with the new account. So that means it is my User folder? I am not sure what that means or how to fix it.

Diane Ross

Kwik Kopy Graphics said:
Okay, I created a new Account, and test printed successfully out of a new
blank Entourage Identity. Then copied my main identity to the shared folder
and printed successfully using my main identity with the new account. So that
means it is my User folder? I am not sure what that means or how to fix it.

See this page for help:

Troubleshooting Your User Account for a Problem

We've eliminated #1, your database as part of the problem. Start with #2 and
continue testing. #2,3,4,8 are the steps you will need to find the culprit.

Because this is a print problem, then my guess it's not a Microsoft pref but
one of the other preferences.

To fully understand how some obscure preference can be the cause read the
thread "Shift h still isn't working"

Shift h still isn't working Resolution: Re: Shift h still isn't working
<[email protected]/msg23460.htm
l> Here is the jist of the solution:
I got lucky with the preferences, and of the
414 items in my folder, the culprit was in the second group of 100 that I
tried. Start to finish, I spent about an hour narrowing it down; the culprit
is a file called com.markzware.FC5.FontDBWtSys, and shows as being a
"Microsoft Excel binary document".

It makes perfect sense in that it's a font database, but makes no sense that
it affects one LETTER in only one APP rather than one font in any app, and
it really should have no bearing on Entourage (FlightCheck is a preflighting
program that can be used to collect fonts and images used in QuarkXPress and
InDesign documents for prep to send to a printer/service bureau) but... if I
understood the "why" on stuff like this I'd be a millionaire, I suppose. ;-)

Let me know what you find.

Kwik Kopy Graphics

I looked at the steps and step 8 - checking for a corrupt font, seemed less complicated and time consuming so i started with it. I removed all of my fonts (340) and replaced them 20 at a time to determine if any them were the problem. I could print after adding the first group to the last. Not once when adding the fonts back into my library did I have any problems printing from Entourage. I found this odd considering the exact same fonts were there before and I could not print. After all my fonts were added, I checked out my other office programs to see if i could print out of those now. When I opened Word i got a bad font warning saying word would try to disable it. I figure that was the problem font even though it is not effecting my printing now. I could print out of all my office programs with the bad font in my library with no problem but decided to remove the font anyway. So, I CAN PRINT!!!!!!! Thank you so much and I am definitely keeping the links and info you gave me in case I run into problems again.

Diane Ross

Isn't troubleshooting fun? :)

I had a problem once making a movie with snapzpro. I moved all the
preferences out and added them back. At the end I thought "it would be the
very last group", but it wasn't. Somehow in moving them out/in it fixed the
problem. You can't argue with success.

Glad you can print again.

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