Office Reconfiguration problem again?



Hello All,

I been having the infamous reconfiguration problem with Office 2007. I
am running this on WINDOWS XP. A lot of the soultion i have seen have
been tested and on windows Vista. There was 2003 on this computer at one
time but i have completely removed it and then resinstalled office 2007.
2 days go by and then reconfigure on every time we open a office
application. I looked up the article to manually uninstall office 2007
which i did. Then i reinstalled the Office 2007 did all the updates and
after 2 days it comes back. I uninstalled it again and this time i
resintalled the office 2007 without the updates and then after a day it

I came here did some searching and found some soultions. I did the
subinacl trick which grants a /grant=administrator=f and a
/grant=system=f to all registry keys i because it seem to be a registry
problem which seems to solve the problem but after a day we are back to
square one.

i have done some more searching but i have not found another soultion
that could help.

I am unsure what to do next and any help is greatly appericated. I am
doing this work for a friend so i dont have the system in front of me.

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