OFFICE Security pop ups .please dont stop me from working...and LI



These days every time you try to do something, Office or Outlook or ONEnote
keeps warning about links and such. I know whats suspicious, just let me
work ;-) When I link a file to ONE and click on it you get an "OFFICE" virus
warning about opening files, good grief..... How could you create a link to a
untrusted source and then want to open it, its stupid.
I am tired of the whole thing.
Also using Outlook Linker and i get a similar message when opening links
from that you have to click on OK to get it open, how do you stop that?

Erik Sojka

I don't know if it can be turned off in OneNote. I believe in other Office
applications, some add-ins can be registered as trusted, or the application
might have different levels of security (modelled after the IE security

OneNote doesn't have this yet.

I've grown to ignore the popup message. There is no way to turn it off in
OneNote, and I wouldn't want there to be. If I can easily turn off
notification for all potentially dangerous attachments, then so can a virus

It seems that MS gets a lot of grief no matter what they try to do ;)
Years ago, people complained that there should be warnings about macro code
and attachments and that nothing should run automatically by default.

Chris H.

What anti-virus software are you using, Richard? The Windows Firewall (on
XP SP2) doesn't throw that warning, as far as I know.
Chris H.
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