Take a look at this link for the new Office Servers 2007 SP1.
If you review the details, there are a good number of Project Server
updates, a few of which fix some errors we've experienced in our
production use. I'm glad they bundled this all together, and we plan
on installing shortly. It looks like a collection of smaller items,
which were too small for a major product release, but fit nicely into
this interim release?
I'm curious, please tell me this isn't the much needed Project Server
Service Pack we're all waiting for to fix the myriad of major problems
with PS2007 such as the useless outlook plug-in, tasks which corrupt
on addition of new resources, projects which corrupt for no good
reason, out-of-syncs between timesheets and actuals in plans, etc?
Take a look at this link for the new Office Servers 2007 SP1.
If you review the details, there are a good number of Project Server
updates, a few of which fix some errors we've experienced in our
production use. I'm glad they bundled this all together, and we plan
on installing shortly. It looks like a collection of smaller items,
which were too small for a major product release, but fit nicely into
this interim release?
I'm curious, please tell me this isn't the much needed Project Server
Service Pack we're all waiting for to fix the myriad of major problems
with PS2007 such as the useless outlook plug-in, tasks which corrupt
on addition of new resources, projects which corrupt for no good
reason, out-of-syncs between timesheets and actuals in plans, etc?