Office Servers 2007 SP1 - Project/Project Server pieces?




Take a look at this link for the new Office Servers 2007 SP1.

If you review the details, there are a good number of Project Server
updates, a few of which fix some errors we've experienced in our
production use. I'm glad they bundled this all together, and we plan
on installing shortly. It looks like a collection of smaller items,
which were too small for a major product release, but fit nicely into
this interim release?

I'm curious, please tell me this isn't the much needed Project Server
Service Pack we're all waiting for to fix the myriad of major problems
with PS2007 such as the useless outlook plug-in, tasks which corrupt
on addition of new resources, projects which corrupt for no good
reason, out-of-syncs between timesheets and actuals in plans, etc?


Jonathan Sofer

This Service Pack only bundles in the fixes for issues up to August 07.
There is a hot fix rollup planned to be released within the next 4-8 weeks
that captures hot fixes made after the SP1 code base was locked down and up
until SP1 was released.

It is also interesting to note, that the full comprehensive list of issues
addressed in the service pack will never be released to the public. Many
issues that never got raised through clients but were found internally will
most likely not be reported out to the public. So there is a good chance
that a lot of things will be addressed in the Service Pack beyond what is


Mike Mahoney

Has anyone installed the newly release SP? Any known issues yet?

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Currently examining it now:
1)seems a lttle slow (but maybe my virtual environment)
2)2nd level Master plans misbehave in PWA - simple master plans behave
ok, but when inserted in a higher level master plan project detail
views are a problem
3)Resource plans have not been fixed
4)Unsure as to how and when client activeX controls are updated - need
for new control is not initially identified but then at some point you
get a message saying new control needed
5)On Task Update Approvals date controls still don't work (UK dates)

Onwards and Upwards


Tom Godbold

Mike, thanks for the reply. I would think that it might be prudent to wait a
bit. Would you agree?

Mike Mahoney

Mike, thanks for the reply. I would think that it might be prudent to wait a
bit. Would you agree?

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We have been boldly going with PS2007 all year, we live for that
frisson of excitement as the issue of the day arises, we laugh at you
people who are frightened of SP1.......sorry getting a bit excited,
have had a good Xmas lunch and think Microsoft are wonderful !

Seasons Greetings


Mike Mahoney


We have been boldly going with PS2007 all year, we live for that
frisson of excitement as the issue of the day arises, we laugh at you
people who are frightened of SP1.......sorry getting a bit excited,
have had a good Xmas lunch and think Microsoft are wonderful !

Seasons Greetings

Mike- Hide quoted text -

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On a more serious note we are going with SP1. We had already applied
all the previous hotfixes and we think the SP is not a great deal
more. What we are hoping for is a more stable MSP client. We have
far too many crashes, so we think the gain outweighs the risk of other
surprises. There are some other pluses - hierarchical codes work in
PWA, and the timesheet description column is fixed and you can copy
and paste columns in MSP enterprise resource sheet.



Tom Godbold

We're right there with you, Mike. We're going to install SP1 over the
weekend. Cross your fingers for us.

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