Office shortcut keys not working




Many Office application shortcut keys have stopped working on my
machine. For example, in PowerPoint F5 no longer starts a slide show,
and in Word F9 no longer updates fields. Standard shortcut keys that
typically work in all programs, such as Ctrl+C to copy or Ctrl+V to
paste, are still working as usual. I tried starting Word and
PowerPoint in safe mode but the problem still persists.

Would anyone know what might be causing this?

Kind regards,

Herb Tyson [MVP]

If it's just the F keys, does your keyboard have an F Lock key? Perhaps
your F keys have been toggled off?

If it's not that, have you somehow toggled a foreign keyboard on? Look for
the language toolbar in the Windows task bar. Here, I see EN (for ENglish),
unless I've toggle FR or ES on. With the latter, some keys no longer behave
as expected.

Are the keys working okay in non-Office programs? If not, your keyboard
might be dying (it happens). Try substituting a different keyboard to see if
the problem persists.


Thanks Herb! I'd already checked the language settings in case a
foreign keyboard had been switched on but hadn't even realised that
there was an F lock key on the keyboard I'm using - and that solved
the problem.

Many thanks,

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