Office should let me de-capitalise words without re-typing them



When using products such as Word and Excel, I often find that I have
accidently hit the Caps Lock button and have typed a few sentences in capital
letters. At the moment the only way to rectify this problem is by deleting
the sentences and retyping them in lower case. Could a feature not be added
which would allow the user to highlight a block of text and choose either to
capitalise all the letters or de-capitalise them, in a similiar way to the
bold/italic/underline function buttons?


dcutts said:
When using products such as Word and Excel, I often find that I have
accidently hit the Caps Lock button and have typed a few sentences in
letters. At the moment the only way to rectify this problem is by deleting
the sentences and retyping them in lower case. Could a feature not be
which would allow the user to highlight a block of text and choose either
capitalise all the letters or de-capitalise them, in a similiar way to the
bold/italic/underline function buttons?

Format Menu, Change Case...

Miss Perspicacia Tick

dcutts said:
When using products such as Word and Excel, I often find that I have
accidently hit the Caps Lock button and have typed a few sentences in
capital letters. At the moment the only way to rectify this problem
is by deleting the sentences and retyping them in lower case. Could a
feature not be added which would allow the user to highlight a block
of text and choose either to capitalise all the letters or
de-capitalise them, in a similiar way to the bold/italic/underline
function buttons?

Had you bothered to use the help for the purpose for which it was intended,
you'd have found that you can already do what you want. Format > Change
case. And, if you want a button, simply right click on an existing toolbar,
select customise, then Format and drag 'change case' to an existing toolbar,
wherever you desire it to be. Then you can change case simply by
highlighting what needs changing and clicking the button.

But you could have learned all that by RTFH before whining.


You can have a button to do this in Word, but Excel is still deficient in
this way. It is a really useful tool, and if it was available, it would
already have been included in my personal toolbars which I reconstitute every
time I have a new identity to work with. This happens a lot, because I am a
temporary worker.



Since "All caps" is not a font formatting component of Excel as it is Word,
how can I write a macro to replace lower case letters with UPPER CASE
LETTERS? Is this something you can tell me how to write or is it something
you or someone else could write for me?

Bob I

Find/Replace is one way. You would need to run through all 26 letters.
The functions also provide for upper and lower to switch letter case.
But please remember Excel is not a word processor.

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