Office started to display Calendar items and other dates in German



This might be strange. Entourage displays Calendar (months and days) in
German language. As well every file preference in Office displays dates
(months and days) in German language.

In International preferences I have set that my locale is in Slovenia.

Any ideas how to change that?


Jim Gordon MVP


Some other people have reported oddities with languages and preferences. I
know Microsoft is aware of the problem but I am not aware that there is any
way to fix it yet.

As long as you have autoupdates turned on you will get the latest update as
soon as it is available.

-Jim Gordon

This might be strange. Entourage displays Calendar (months and days) in
German language. As well every file preference in Office displays dates
(months and days) in German language.

In International preferences I have set that my locale is in Slovenia.

Any ideas how to change that?


Jim Gordon

MVPs are not Microsoft Employees
MVP info

Mickey Stevens

Is this recent behavior, or has it always been that way? Note that Office
is not a packaged application; as a result, the interface will be in
whatever language the purchased copy is in, rather than the language you
have set in System Preferences. It sounds like you have a German language
copy of Office.

Daiya Mitchell

You can also get strange half and half behavior if you apply a German update
over an English copy, or some such. Might an update file have been the
wrong language?



I have English copy of Office and no language pack(s).
And this behaviour has been around for a month or so.

I have to mention that I have another Mac with English copy of Office
as well. And on that Mac names of days and moths are displayed
correctly (in English language). And on that Mac locale is as will set
to Slovenia.

I assume that Office somehow (and I do not know why) thinks that locale
of computer is set to Germany and because of that displays names of
days and months in German language.

Any idea now?


Mickey Stevens je napisal:

Jim Gordon MVP


I don't know the cause of the problem, but Microsoft is aware of it. You are
not the first to report it, but it is good that you mentioned it because the
more who notice this the higher the priority increases for the need to fix

-Jim Gordon


I have English copy of Office and no language pack(s).
And this behaviour has been around for a month or so.

I have to mention that I have another Mac with English copy of Office
as well. And on that Mac names of days and moths are displayed
correctly (in English language). And on that Mac locale is as will set
to Slovenia.

I assume that Office somehow (and I do not know why) thinks that locale
of computer is set to Germany and because of that displays names of
days and months in German language.

Any idea now?


Mickey Stevens je napisal:
Is this recent behavior, or has it always been that way? Note that Office
is not a packaged application; as a result, the interface will be in
whatever language the purchased copy is in, rather than the language you
have set in System Preferences. It sounds like you have a German language
copy of Office.

Jim Gordon

MVPs are not Microsoft Employees
MVP info

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