Hi Kannan,
From your description, I am afraid I'm not quite sure what do you need.
I would like to first confirm with you that how do you "import" web page to
Word, Excel? Do you mean "export"? Based on my experience, you can import
data from within Word or Excel to IE, but it is impossible to do this from
within IE.
So I guess what exactly you need is an Export, am I right?
Based on my experience, Office 2003 does provide "Export to Microsoft
Excel" feature in IE. You just need to right-click on the page you want to
export, and choose "Export to Microsoft Excel". This will invoke Excel to
finish the export.
But you cannot export IE page directly to Word. I think what you have seen
may be an IE add-on. So would you please take a screenshot on the exact
Office button so that we can do further research for you?
** To take a screenshot
1. When this button appears, press PrScrn key on your keyboard.
2. Type "mspaint" (without the quotation marks) in Start>Run box and click
3. Click Edit>Paste to paste the screenshot.
4. Save it as JPEG file type and send it as Email attachment.
You can attach the screenshot to your reply or send it directly to me at
[email protected]>
Meanwhile, in case it is an IE issue, you may need to post this request to
Windows newsgroup.
If something is unclear, please feel free to let me know.
Leon Hao
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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