I am confused as to how many computers I can load Office Ultimate 2007 onto?
Here are some general suggestions for you - your License Terms provide the
details you need.
I am using Office 2007 as an example
In your 2007 version - click on Office Button - Options - Resources - About
- View the Microsoft Software License Terms
Normally the License terms includes sections for Retail License Terms, OEM
License Terms and Media-Less License Terms (In Office 2010 - Product Key
Card - PKC will replace Media-Less or MLK)
Then, under the Installation and Use Rights, it specifically states how you
can assign your license.
For 2007 products, this is also a good resource page for License Terms in
identifying the kind of product you have:
If your designation is FPP, then the Retail License Terms below apply to
you. If your designation is OEM, then the OEM License Terms below apply to
you. If your designation is MLK, then the Media-less License Kit Terms
below apply to you.
Also, another helpful tip (IF it applies in your specific license terms) -
READ your license terms to be sure you HAVE specific reassign useage
Here is a REASSIGN * Example *
REASSIGN TO ANOTHER DEVICE. You may reassign the license to a different
device any number of times, but not more than one time every 90 days. If
you reassign, that other device becomes the "licensed device." If you
retire the licensed device due to hardware failure, you may reassign the
license sooner.
It seem like a good price to get all of the office programs for $75.00.
Does anyone know if when you get the free 2010 update you can loand them
onto the same number of computers?
From David Troxell - Product Scope 7.9 - Encourager Software
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