Office Update / Administrative Install Problem




I'm having problem applying new patches to an Administrative Installation
Point for Office 2K, then applying the patches to clients. I've downloaded
the full file admin installation packages, extracted them (via command line
as instructed), and applied them to the admin install (again, via command
line). Then, I've attempted to apply them to a few clients (to test the
install), rebooted, and re-ran the Office Update detection tool. Office
Update reports that the updates are still needed, even though no errors were
generated when applying the updates to the admin install or the clients.

One thing I did notice is that, in the past, whenever I ran the detection
tool on our baseline machine I was always notified that Office had been
installed from an admin install (which it was) and I would need to follow
that path when patching the client (which I always did). However, I did not
see that notice this time around.

As an example, I've applied KB822035 to the admin install and attempted to
apply to clients. According to the overview of this patch, Vbe6.dll should
be version after the application of the patch. I've verified that
this is the case on all the clients I attempted to patch, but Windows Update
still tells me the patch is needed.

Can anyone point out what I'm missing? My baseline machine, used to
determine transforms, check for patches, etc. is:

Windows 2K, SP4 (5.00.2195)
Office 2K, SP3 (9.0.6929 - from Help/About/MS Word)
Latest version of Windows Installer

Thanks & Ciao,


Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Tony,

I'm not sure I'm following the sequenc you're
using on the clients. If you applied an update
to an Office Admin point did you then recache/reinstall
the client so that it included the updated files?


I'm having problem applying new patches to an Administrative Installation
Point for Office 2K, then applying the patches to clients. I've downloaded
the full file admin installation packages, extracted them (via command line
as instructed), and applied them to the admin install (again, via command
line). Then, I've attempted to apply them to a few clients (to test the
install), rebooted, and re-ran the Office Update detection tool. Office
Update reports that the updates are still needed, even though no errors were
generated when applying the updates to the admin install or the clients.

One thing I did notice is that, in the past, whenever I ran the detection
tool on our baseline machine I was always notified that Office had been
installed from an admin install (which it was) and I would need to follow
that path when patching the client (which I always did). However, I did not
see that notice this time around.

As an example, I've applied KB822035 to the admin install and attempted to
apply to clients. According to the overview of this patch, Vbe6.dll should
be version after the application of the patch. I've verified that
this is the case on all the clients I attempted to patch, but Windows Update
still tells me the patch is needed.

Can anyone point out what I'm missing? My baseline machine, used to
determine transforms, check for patches, etc. is:

Windows 2K, SP4 (5.00.2195)
Office 2K, SP3 (9.0.6929 - from Help/About/MS Word)
Latest version of Windows Installer

Thanks & Ciao,



Hi Bob,

Thanks for the quick response. I applied the update to the clients
following the directions that came with the admin patch. For KB822035:

Application of patch to admin install:
msiexec /p \\[serverName]\Ofc_2000\Updates\Misc_Office\KB822035\Vbe6ff.msp
/a \\[serverName]\Ofc_2000\Disc_1\data1.msi SHORTFILENAMES=TRUE /qb

Application of patch to clients:
msiexec /i \\[serverName]\Ofc_2000\Disc_1\data1.msi REINSTALL=ALL

I took this directly from the MS page that describes how to apply the patch
and have followed the same procedure for patches in the past, all of which
have worked. Should the inspection tool have reported that the client had
been updated from the admin install? I suspect that may be the issue but am
unsure. I don't think the problem lies with the client configuration due to
the fact that the baseline machine sits in my office and I'm the only person
who logs in to it.

Again, thanks for the assistance.

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