Office Update Pack 2 - Installation unsuccessful


Soul 786

I have repeatdly try to install office pack 2 to prevent outloo/word crashes.
I keep getting 'installation unsuccessful' I have done regedit for GUID (ref:
256986). No luck. PLS HELP!

Susan Ramlet

Hi, Soul 786,

Unfortunately, that's a rather vague error message that could be caused by
one of many possible things. There's a good article here with a boatload of
things to try when you get that error:

How to troubleshoot failures updating your Office installation from the
Office Update Web site:

If you are running Windows Installer 3.0, this might be the cause:

You receive an "Error 2902. An internal error has occurred" error message or
an "Installation unsuccessful" error message when you install an Office 2003
update on a computer that has Windows Installer 3.0 installed:

Hope one of those helps--

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