Office Update showing previously installed updates



Hi All,

I am having an issue with clients where Office 2K has been installed using
an administrative installation point. I have downloaded and applied the
full file patches to the installation point, and have patched clients from
the installation point, following MS's instructions. However, when I
revisit Windows Update with the updated clients, I am told that I still need
the patches. I have verified, on the clients, that the patches have been
installed by checking file versions as suggested in the installation
instructions and by using MS's Office Update Inventory Tool. Both show that
the patches have been applied to the clients.

Anyone have any idea of why this may be happening? My clients are set up as

Windows 2K, SP4 (5.00.2195)
Office 2K, SP3 (9.0.6929)
Latest version of Windows Installer

And the patches I'm experiencing the issue with are KB822035, KB826292, &
KB873380. I've applied patches and service packs to this installation point
and to clients successfully in the past with no issues. One thing I also
need to mention is that, in the past, Windows Update has always notified me
that Office had been installed from an administrative installation point and
that I would need to use the procedures for same to update Office. This
time, no such notification.

Thanks & Ciao,


Ryan Asdourian [MSFT]

Hi Tony -
Thanks for your post. The Office Update does not offer support for
administrative updates which is why you have seen the message in the past
stating your clients have been updated by an administrative update and
cannot use Office Update. Recently you said you updated your clients to
SP3. Since SP3 is a major baseline your clients will not be able to update
through the Office Update site. If you are experienced in updating
administrative points and synching your clients to them I would go ahead and
continue to use that for the KBs you mentioned. Please also note that
Windows Update is very different from Office Update.


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