The Angry System Accountant
An observation. Many VBA programmers are accountants who will never be given
Visual Studio .Net by their employers and will therefore become increasingly
angry at Microsoft for not allowing them to move to the .Net programming
language painlessly ie. in their own work environments. The wisest course to
ensure that livelihoods are not endangered is to keep up to date with the
VBA may be going to live for a good few years yet - but it really annoys me
that many companies will not purchase VS .Net just to help their staff learn
the new .net platform for office automation solutions.
I feel that Microsoft is marginalising many VBA developers and barring our
progress by making Office .net solutions the preserve of "IT" developers
rather than the traditional core of "business" vba developers.
Visual Studio .Net by their employers and will therefore become increasingly
angry at Microsoft for not allowing them to move to the .Net programming
language painlessly ie. in their own work environments. The wisest course to
ensure that livelihoods are not endangered is to keep up to date with the
VBA may be going to live for a good few years yet - but it really annoys me
that many companies will not purchase VS .Net just to help their staff learn
the new .net platform for office automation solutions.
I feel that Microsoft is marginalising many VBA developers and barring our
progress by making Office .net solutions the preserve of "IT" developers
rather than the traditional core of "business" vba developers.