office will not open, msi advapck.dll in error meaasge



I can not open or install MS office what whern I try the
error message: "the Windows installer service could not be
accessed." comes up. This happened after we changed the pc
to new domain on the network. ie. the msi kicks in
everytime we open anything to do w/MS office - word access

I tried MS knowledgebase 324516. Method 1 was a no go
because the regkey cited by method/fix1 was not there, So
per the doc. I tried method 2 eactly to the letter. When i
tried to reinstall a fresh windows installer 2.0 I got the
following error message:

Error creating process <C:\Documents and
Settings\libdesk\local setting\temp\
IXP000.temp\msiinst.ese\i. instmsi MSIEXECREG=1 /m /qb+!>.
Reason: INNT\System32\advpacl.dll

Anyone know the fix to get MS Office working smoothly on
this PC? thanks.


Mary Sauer said:
Try this
Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility;en-us;290301&Product=off2003

btw, I using win2k sp4.
Tried it but it did not work - msicuu2 which is then installation file
would not even install. So the Installer Cleaner will not install in
the first place. I get the error message:

"the Windows installer Service could not be accessed. this can
occur if you are running in safe mode or the Windows installer
is not correctly installed. Contact support...."

As i said I tried MS knowledgebase 324516 which asks me to install
InstMsiW - a new window installer - but that was broken too.

I beginning to think I need a manual reg hack to fix this.

What shoukld I do?

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