Office Windows not visible



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I have just installed the 2008 version but it was happening in my 2004 version too.

When i open a document it doesn't show up / you can't see it.

it is listed under 'window' as being open

have to click click click around and don't even know what i last clicked on to get it to randomly appear, if at all....

in the 2004 version when it started doing it, i could go to 'window' and click 'bring all to front' but it doesn't work in 2008.

its driving me nuts! any ideas what is happening? do i have a bug or something more sinister...????

Michel Bintener

Are you using Spaces? If so, the document might open in a different Space,
and due to a bug in Mac OS X, the OS might not switch to the correct Space
automatically. If this is the case, make sure both Office 2008 and Mac OS X
are up-to-date, and the problem might disappear. I say "might", because some
Spaces-related bugs were only fixed in Mac OS X 10.6 aka. Snow Leopard.


thanks for your reply. no i don't really bother with spaces... i'll reset it with the new Office 2008 to see if i can at least access it that way...

Both OS X and Office 2008 are up to date...

I'm currently going to 'save as..' which brings the document up and then cancel that to get to the doc.... (boring)

even if i open the document by double clicking or through the 'open' option thers is still no document visible (only the top drop down menu shows)

when it does randomly show up it seems to drop down from the top of the screen....

Michel Bintener


does this happen in other non-Office applications as well? Turn off Spaces
(if it is enabled), then, once an Office application is open and you cannot
see the document window, see if switching to a lower screen resolution makes
the window turn up.

By the way, you did reply to the newsgroup.


HI Michel
No this only happens in Word and was happening in 2004 version..

thought installing 2008 might fix it... but same problem but worse.

doesn't seem to happen in excel...

hmmm.... it is currently working in spaces now...

but i like to use the dock to access my programs.... still a bug in the system or do you think i have a trojan/virus whatever it may be??


Michel Bintener

Hi TJ,

it's good that you mention that this only happens in Word. Try the
following: quit Word, then go to ~/Library/Application
Support/Microsoft/Office/User Templates and move the file called
"Normal.dotm" to your desktop. Every single Word document is based on that
template, unless you use special custom templates. Relaunch Word (doing so
will force it to create a fresh template, as it can't find the original
Normal template in the folder in which it expects it to be), and see if that
changes anything. If it does, feel free to delete the copy on your desktop.
If it doesn't, post back and we'll clear out some preferences.


Hi Michel

Just thought I'd check back in and after using it a few times with spaces turned off it is working fine.

No more spaces for me :]

Thanks for your help.

Michel Bintener

Hello again, TJ.

Thanks for posting back. By the way, you might want to consider upgrading to
Snow Leopard; a number of bugs in combination with Spaces and Microsoft
Office 2008 have been fixed in Mac OS X 10.6.

Hi Michel

Just thought I'd check back in and after using it a few times with spaces
turned off it is working fine.

No more spaces for me :]

Thanks for your help.

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