Lawrence Krupp
As some may already know, the DiVx codec for Quicktime causes the
Project Gallery to crash Word, Powerpoint, and Excel upon launch.
Removing the DiVx codec from the harddrive->library->quicktime folder
fixes this issue.
It seems the latest DiVx codec for OS X, listed as version 5.0.7, seems
to squash this bug. Office X 10.1.5 and DiVx appear to get along now on
my systems. Your results may vary.
Project Gallery to crash Word, Powerpoint, and Excel upon launch.
Removing the DiVx codec from the harddrive->library->quicktime folder
fixes this issue.
It seems the latest DiVx codec for OS X, listed as version 5.0.7, seems
to squash this bug. Office X 10.1.5 and DiVx appear to get along now on
my systems. Your results may vary.