Office X reinstallation problem


Michael Gross

Word was crashing on startup. I used the Remove Office tool and
emptied the trash afterward, then reinstalled Office via drag and
drop, then downloaded the 10.1.2, 10.1.4, and 10.1.5 updaters. Then I
ran Word and provided my product key information. Then the software
told me that I was using an upgrade CD (true) and instructed me to
locate the folder in which my old version of Office is located. No
can do. Can anyone help with getting the Office apps to run? Thank

Dayo Mitchell

What do you mean by "No can do"? Why not?

If it's because you haven't installed an earlier version, you can put the
old version CD in the drive and point the installer to that.

Does that help?


Michael Gross

Sorry for being so vague. What I meant was that I had removed my
existing installations of Office X and Office 2001 with the Remove
Office tool. I also emptied the trash during the removal and
reinstallation process. So there was no version left on my computer.

I did not realize that I could use the Office 2001 CD in lieu of an
existing installation. I can't find the CD anyhow, although I must
have had it when I set up my current computer 6 or 8 months ago. I
installed all software from CD's or fresh downloads and nothing from a
backup of my old computer. The old computer had both versions
installed on it, but it has neither any longer. It is used by an
employee who needed Word but no other Office applications, so I used
the Remove Office tool to clean off the old Office installations and
installed a new copy of Word X on that computer.

If you know of a solution to not having the Office 2001 CD, I would
love to hear about it. My software is registered with Microsoft, if
that makes any difference. I did find one empty CD case with a
Microsoft product key glued on the back, but I can't tell what the
product was. I am starting to sense that I will be buying a new copy
of Office before the day is over.

Dayo Mitchell

No, if you are a registered user I think you can get a new CD from MS for a
handling charge. You need to call Product Support Services for your
product--sorry I don't have time right now to get you the link but I think
you will find information under Contact Microsoft on the web.

There have been incidents where the Office X installation would not
recognize an old version, which is why your comment came across as vague.


JE McGimpsey

Dayo Mitchell said:
No, if you are a registered user I think you can get a new CD from MS for a
handling charge. You need to call Product Support Services for your
product--sorry I don't have time right now to get you the link but I think
you will find information under Contact Microsoft on the web.

All registration really does is allow you to sign up for a newsletter.
You can contact PSS and get a new CD as long as you have some proof of

Michael Gross

I called Microsoft. A technical support person got a new full product
key for me in no time at all. I was able to finish the installation
and start working. It was remarkably fast and friendly help. Thanks
to all for the suggestions.

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