Office XP developer - element not found



This is a repost of an earlier post (I had posted it
using a wrong Email ID).. am now posting with my msdn
alias - hope I get a response for this :)
I am not sure if this question belongs to this
newsgroup, but I couldn't find any other newsgroup that
addressed setup/installation issues - so I am posting
this Q here..
I installed Office XP Developer on a Win XP Pro computer
(it also has .Net Visual Studio installed on it).
Whenever I try to start the MS Development Environment, I
get an error message "Element not found" (right at
startup). If I click OK, it loads the environment - I
have just started working on this, so am not sure if this
is causing any problems. I am sure however that this
message is not supposed to come up... Any suggestions
about what I can do to fix this? I did try to uninstall
developer and re-install it.
Another important thing to note is that my "windows
component update" step (step 1) of the install fails -
but it does let me install the XP Developer.

Office XP pro is working fine. (I am on SP2 for office
XP, and am running on WinXP-Pro SP1 with all critical
patches installed)

Any help would be greatly appreciated...

Peter Huang [MSFT]

Hi Joseph,

This error can sometimes be an install problem caused if VS.NET or other
Basic products are installed on a machine where Office XP Developer is
installed. In my experience, installing the latest Service Pack for Office
resolves this issue. This Service Pack can be obtained from:

Q313166 OFFXPDEV: How to Obtain and Install Office XP Developer SP-1;EN-US;Q313166

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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Hi Peter,
Your suggestion about installing the latest service
pack for Office XP Developer has resolved the issue!!! I
had noticed this suggestion in other posts too, but
apparently, I misread it to be "install the latest
service pack for office XP" - since my office XP was at
the latest service pack, I thought my problem was
different... I installed SP1 for office XP developer and
presto! The problem is resolved!

thanks again! :)

Peter Huang [MSFT]

Hi Joseph,

I am glad that Office XP Developer works for you.

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.


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