office xp install problem for current user



I'm trying to reinstall Office XP. Long story...excel got corrupt again so I
need to start over again. System restore "hosed" Office. My copy of Office
2003 does not seem to be a "legal" copy so I am reverting back to XP which I
purchased with my laptop.

I installed it fine or so I thought but when I open up any of the apps I get
"{app name} has not been installed for current user. Please run setup to
install the application."

I installed the program under my own XP user ID (several times as a matter
of fact). I can switch to the Admin ID and run the programs. Programs were
also activated on the Admin ID too. I just can't seem to get the programs to
run on my own user ID. Hubby suggested that I just switch to Admin ID when I
need excel or word but that won't work when I am exporting reports from
Quickbooks or Peachtree since they will be accessed under my own ID.

I googled and found one suggestion to export the
registry keys from the Admin ID and import them while logged into my own ID.
Poster said it worked for him. Either he was just lucky or I did something
wrong because it did not work for me. Should I have deleted the existing
Office keys before importing the one exported from the Admin ID?

Anyone run into this problem before or have any other suggestions?


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