dj said:
I just bought a copy of office xp. It came with 3 disks (includes
publisher) and was advertised as the FULL version. How do I tell if
this is an OEM or Retail version. Thanks.
It includes Publisher, therefore it's OEM. No retail version includes
Publisher (actually, that's not strictly true, there was a limited Special
Edition, available for about four months after the initial release, which
did, but it's no longer sold).
From where did you acquire this version? As it's OEM, did it come with
hardware (if not the seller is in violation of the EULA). Is it marked with
a PC manufacturer's logo? If so, it's may only be installed on the system it
was sold with (and, indeed, may not work on any other).
The word 'full' is meaningless- there is no such thing (really) as a version
that isn't, although I guess an upgrade could be defined as not being full,
as it's only half a licence, as it were; but, in terms of what's on the
disc(s), it's the same as the 'full' version. An OEM is a 'full' version -
just with a restricted licence.
1) It may not be transferred without the original hardware.
2) It may not be installed on any other system other than the one it was
sold with (or, in the case of a licence sold with some other form of
hardware the first system it's installed on). If the original purchaser then
wishes to transfer the licence, they must then transfer the entire system.
3) No (free) support from Microsoft - all support is the responsibility
of the vendor.
If you bought it on eBay, and the above conditions were not met, then
contact both the seller and eBay's fraud department as you have been
defrauded. You should also contact PayPal if they listed it as an option.