Office Xp Pro Help


Thomas R Grassi Jr

Windows Xp Pro Sp3
Office XP Pro SP3
Domain Server Windows 2003 R2 Standard DC SP2
Sharepoint 2.0 SP1

When we are on sharepoint and we try to edit the documents or spreadsheets
we can only open the file in READ ONLY

I tried to uninstall the Sharepoint features of Office then reinstalled them
and I still get the same error.

I have another pc with the same setup and it works fine.

Any ideas or thoughts



Joseph Meehan

I don't know Sharepoint, but but I would look to see if the file is read
only before you attempt to open it. Some storage devices are read only by
default and some folders are read only. All the files located in those
locations will be read only until moved. In addition the file itself should
be checked to see if it has been set to read only sometime along the way.

Thomas R Grassi Jr


Thanks for the input

The files are not marked at read only I double checkd them all.

This is a strange one I have another pc that works just fine

I will keep trying

Thanks for your help


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