Mountain Man
Mountain Man 8/23/2006 7:54 AM PST
All of my Office programs have crashed (won't boot, with recycling error
reports to Microsoft that drive me crazy...) after using System Mechanic 6.
I am trying to repair or reinstall Office from the original CD, version
2002. The intallation disk will not auto run. When I double click the "setup"
program Windows Installer starts, then comes a dialogue that "the feature you
are trying to use is on a network resource that is not available."
The -- enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation
package "512093.OFFICESPSop.msp" in the box below:
And the box below contains the address "C:\Program
Files\OfficeUpdate11\Cabs\512093\" -- on my hard disk.
Why does an installation disk ask for a file supposedly already on the
How can I reinstall Office??
Help, please!
All of my Office programs have crashed (won't boot, with recycling error
reports to Microsoft that drive me crazy...) after using System Mechanic 6.
I am trying to repair or reinstall Office from the original CD, version
2002. The intallation disk will not auto run. When I double click the "setup"
program Windows Installer starts, then comes a dialogue that "the feature you
are trying to use is on a network resource that is not available."
The -- enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation
package "512093.OFFICESPSop.msp" in the box below:
And the box below contains the address "C:\Program
Files\OfficeUpdate11\Cabs\512093\" -- on my hard disk.
Why does an installation disk ask for a file supposedly already on the
How can I reinstall Office??
Help, please!