Office Xp SBE can't detect upgrades needed/installed



I had the same problem and tried all of Susan's
sugesstions but none have worked so far. I have Windows
Me, Office XP SBE. I deleted the files and MS would ask
to download installer but then it would not be able to
check for needed updates or past update history. I went
into control panel to remove Office and tried a "re-
install". No luck, same results but lost what updates I
had installed. I removed Office and installed from cd but
detection tool still didn't work. I reported the error to
MS but no reply. I manually picked out downloads and have
Office running but I can not use MS installer/detection
tools to assist me. Maybe they will solve this problem.
And maybe Susan's advice can work for somebody else. I do
appreciate the attempt. I am only offering feedback that
it didn't work for me and I'm still looking for solution.

Susan Ramlet

Hi, Tim,

Thanks for the feedback. Did you run the patch files after manually
downloading them? So, is your system patched now?


No, I did not run the patch files. My printer went out
and I may have missed some of your instructions. I had
too many things going on running 2 businesses and
remodeling house, 3 land deals, and IRS time. I did re-
install Office XP from cd and manually downloaded upgrades
that I thought I needed. Today I went to "help and
support" in my Dell 4100 and printed a System Information
Report. It showed that OPUCatalog Class was damaged,
version 10,0,4928,0 from
I went to their website but that link is unavailable.
Bottom of my System Information report also showed
OPUCatalog Class damaged 10,0,5606,0 same website as
above as codebase. Only other faults were 2 Office
Event/Application Fault in winword.exe module
msacm32.dll. And Problem Device listed ACPI IRQ Holder
for PCI IRQ Steering-ACPI\*PNPOCOF\00000003 (also 5, 7, 8)
error code 22.

I don't know if any of this is related. I have no
experience in this and the first time to do this much
research on it. I'll look for your instructions again and
go back through them. I can search for patch files and
attempt to run them. I wish this site was like other
forums and e-mailed me when a respose is posted. Could be
my fault though since I posted anonymously. My e-mail is
(e-mail address removed). I meant no disrespect for your
solutions, only feedback that I couldn't get them to
work. The fault probably is all mine or that not info was
available to you. I still can not get detection engine to
list previously downloaded updates nor updates needed.
Thank you for your assistance and I'll try to frequent
this group more often to learn more about my machine.
Thanks again, TIM


Okay, found your instructions and went back through. I
was not thorough the first time. 1. I deleted IE cache
files. 2. Changed Security settings and added 3. Deleted OfficeUpdate11 folder
(Also had to restart, which wasn't mentioned because
OfficeUpdate kept "reappearing"). 4. Deleted
c:\Windows\opuc.dll (I have ME version). Detection still
failed and Update11 and opuc.dll reappeared again. Turned
off all (no firewall, just added download manager but
turned off, no pop up blockers). Next used Windows
Installer Cleanup. Removed Office. Deleted Update11 and
opuc.dll again. No .msp showed up in search. Re-
installed from cd again. Restarted and ran detection tool
again. Did not prompt for installing detection tool or
installer and Update11 and opuc.dll is back on my computer
(maybe because of website being "trusted"now). I have not
updated or downloaded any patches now and previous ones
should be deleted when I cleaned out IE cache.

I can use Office as is and rarely use it anyway but since
I paid for it, I would like it to be available and up to
date/secure. I can also download the updates manually as
before and install them. I do not know about
running "patches". I can follow prompts or if I can find
them, I can try running them. I can only install Office
50X from my cd and hate to use it all up.

The update site has "remebered" where I went before
because previously viewed links have changed colors. This
could be a problem. I would think that if I had never
visited the site and my computer was running Office as it
came, the detection tool would work as it did before. I
can not say if the problem is with the website, detection
tool, or my computer files.

I do appreciate your help and understand that while many
of us may have similar problems, each scenario may have
different problems/solutions. And developing solutions
can take time and creativity, both of which I lack in this
field. I do know that my computer is not restricted/I
have administrative priveleges. Network problem is
unlikely, at least on my end. There are no .msp files
showing up in search on my computer (could be a problem).
I have contacted Microsoft Product Support/reported
errors. And I probably did use Installer 1.0 and 1.1 but
all should be deleted by now.

As before THANKS AGAIN. I know this was long but I wanted
to be thorough with info/communication. Any other ideas?
I don't mind waiting and it is not real important/urgent
now. I would like to update but not if I have to start
all over again in a few days. I'll check back soon and
will report if I get anything to change or new info.
Thanks Susan and rest of group.

Susan Ramlet

Hi, Tim,

Thank you so much for the level of detail you've provided. You've done a
boatload of work, which is helpful to know about.

When you say that the detection tool doesn't work, does it hang at 40% or
does it give you an error? I couldn't tell from your explanation exactly
what the original problem behaviour was on the Office Update site.

Incidentally, the update site actually doesn't remember you were there; the
Internet Explorer Browser remembers that, so it shouldn't have any bearing
on this. It just knows from your browser History that you visited the link

So, you mention that you can download the updates manually and install them,
so at least your system is patched, is that correct?

I will pass on your results, and hopefully we'll be able to find a pattern
for the failures. For many folks, the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility did
the trick. The most important thing is that you can actually patch your
system, even if it's not through the automatic update process.


Alright, now if you've read previous 2 replies, problem
appears to me that Office Update Catalog is damaged and I
have 2 of them. I would've thought IE cache was cleaned
out but it isn't. I'll try something else and get back.


It seems Ryan had similar post 2/4/2004. Detection tool fails ~57-58% with same errors as most others(ie, administrative priveleges, network problem, patch files missing, upgraded Installer versions, etc.). I am still lost about patch files. Yes I can go to download site, download update and install successfully but I do not know if they run or get applied

Right now my Office is exactly off the cd, so it isn't patched but it can be. I just hate to do it all over again and again trying to sort through this problem. Maybe I ran Installer Cleanup wrong. All I get prompted for is which program to remove and choose Office, which gets removed. But why does System Information Report show>IE>Cache>List of Objects>OPUCatalog Class Damaged-10,0,4928,0-
And SIR>IE>Cache>List of Objects>OPUCatalog Class Damaged-10,0,5606,0-

I understand about my browser remembering. Thanks. Why would I have to catalogs or is it 2 errors? And shouldn't I have removed this with Installer CleanUp or by deleting IE cache/temporary folders? Should I also delete IEDETECT.DLL v. 6.0.2800.1106? I don't want to destroy IE or remove something I shouldn't.

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