I have download the Office XP SP3 file 2 times.
(OfficeXPSP3-kb832671-c;ient-enu) It is 16,441KB in size. Each time I try to
run it I get the following message. "Extracting file failed. It is most
likel caused by low memory (low disk space for swapping file) or corrupted
Cabinet file. I've tried on a fresh boot, I've shut Norton AV 2005 off, I
also tried with my firewall (sygate) off, and nothing works. Keep getting the
same message. All help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
(OfficeXPSP3-kb832671-c;ient-enu) It is 16,441KB in size. Each time I try to
run it I get the following message. "Extracting file failed. It is most
likel caused by low memory (low disk space for swapping file) or corrupted
Cabinet file. I've tried on a fresh boot, I've shut Norton AV 2005 off, I
also tried with my firewall (sygate) off, and nothing works. Keep getting the
same message. All help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.