Office XP SP3 on Terminal Services 2003 Server



I have a Windows 2003 Server setup as a Terminal Services Server. I have
installed Office XP onto it (using Add/Remove Programs), then in Install
mode applied SP1 - OK, then SP3. This gave a fault as follows -

Error 1931 - cannot update c:\program files\common files\microsoft
shared\web server extensions\50\bin\fp5autl.dll - this file is protected by

I checked out this error message on Ms website, which indicated it's
connected with Windows File Protection mechanisms - it gave a workaround
which simply advised doing a silent install to avoid this error message, but
gave no information about whether this error is critical or how to actually
get the update to happen.

Does anyone know a workaround which will allow this file to be updated?

Many thanks for any help.


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