Office XP SP3 Update Doesn't Work after Install



I have tried several times to install Office XP SP3. The
original s/w I have is Office XP for students 2002. After
each attempt, I am unable to read any files in any of the
applications. (excel, Word, Ppoint.

Any ideas on how to fix this?


I re-installed SP3 more than once because all of my
applications (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook) would not
work after the first install. This is the "loop" I'm
stuck in. 1) I try the Sp3 install and it causes errors
in my applications; 2) I uninstall the Office XP and the
applications work again; 3) I try the SP3 install again
and it causes errors in my applications.

The most common error message is basically that it cannot
recognize any of the files I try to open. Then another
error message I get is when I go to cancel out of the
application, it tells me that changes have been made to
the global template and asks if I want to save those

Any ideas?
-----Original Message-----
Hi, Mark. Why did you find it necessary to install SP3
more than once? What happens when you try to start
Word? Excel? Powerpoint?


Hi, Mark. It would be helpful if you quoted the exact error messages
you are getting. If you are running Norton Antivirus, try disabling the
Office Plugin that comes with it by clicking on Start | Programs |
Norton | Options | Miscellaneous | uncheck the "Enable Office Plugin" box.


Here are the errors I get when I try to open files after
installing sp3 on office xp:
WORD - "The file <filename> is not available."
WORD - "The file Normal already exists. Do you want to
replace the existing file?"
EXCEL - "Unable to read file"
PowerPoint - "PowerPoint can't read <filename>"

Any ideas?


Hi, Tim. The solution I suggested to "Mark" should fix your error messages too.

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