Robin McInnes
I am sure this question has been asked many times, but I've never had
occasion to look at Mac NGs before, so please accept my apologies.
I am a Windows XP user who is contemplating the change to a Mac. I have
Office XP Pro installed on my Windows machine, and I accept that I'll
need to get the Mac Office (Office 2004?) when I change over.
I understand that Word, Excel & Powerpoint files should migrate in a
fairly straightforward manner, but I am less sure about Outlook to
Entourage. (I'm assuming here that Entourage is the Mac 'equivalent' of
I have been keeping a personal journal for the last two years or so
using the Journal component of Outlook. Would I be able to transfer all
my entries in that over to a Mac Office component, or would I have to
wave them all bye bye?
Robin McInnes
Cheshire, UK
I am sure this question has been asked many times, but I've never had
occasion to look at Mac NGs before, so please accept my apologies.
I am a Windows XP user who is contemplating the change to a Mac. I have
Office XP Pro installed on my Windows machine, and I accept that I'll
need to get the Mac Office (Office 2004?) when I change over.
I understand that Word, Excel & Powerpoint files should migrate in a
fairly straightforward manner, but I am less sure about Outlook to
Entourage. (I'm assuming here that Entourage is the Mac 'equivalent' of
I have been keeping a personal journal for the last two years or so
using the Journal component of Outlook. Would I be able to transfer all
my entries in that over to a Mac Office component, or would I have to
wave them all bye bye?
Robin McInnes
Cheshire, UK