Office XP v 10.2605.2605 SP1 Update



I am trying to update OXP to SP1. I am running WinXP SP1.
When I go the Office Update site, I get the message "Your
Office products do not need any updates." I know I do
because I have errors and things that SP1 fixes. I have
tried all the other fixes and workarounds. I have even
downloaded the SP1 file itself along with some of the
security updates. When I try to install the individual
security updates I get the message "The expected version
of the product was not found on your system." I have
tried to install all the security updates that are
avaliable and I get the same message. I have a retail
version of Office XP. I previously had Office 2K
installed but uninstalled it trying to correct this
problem. I have also used the Windows Install Clean Up
Thanks for any help.

Susan Ramlet

Hi, Michael,

Did you re-install Office XP after running the Windows Installer Cleanup
Utility? Have you tried to repair your Office XP installation?

Does the error have the number 1328 associated with it?

When you launch Word and go into Help | About, what does the version number

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