Office XP vs Office 2003



My reply is at the bottom of your sent message.

I'm running Office XP on a Windows 2000 machine. Since Windows 2007 will
work with this OS I'm thinking of buying Windows 2003 since it's so cheap
these days. My question is, is there really any difference between the two
versions? What are the benefits of upgrading to 2003? Thanks.

To be entirely honest and not attempt to sell you an upgrade you probably
don't require - what is your incentive to change from Office XP to anything

In other words, if you upgrade to Windows 2k3 then, unless I'm missing
something, your version of Office XP should work just fine. The same license
issues are there - one install at a time - but it should work just fine.

Your question isn't really that clear. You say "Windows 2007" and "Windows
2003" but I suspect you mean Office instead of Windows. In short, if your
current version does all that you need it to do there's no reason (no major
benefits) to update until you get a new PC and a new operating system.

Galen (Not Current MS-MVP)

My Geek Site:
Web Hosting:

"In solving a problem of this sort, the grand thing is to be able to reason
backwards. That is a very useful accomplishment, and a
very easy one, but people do not practise it much. In the every-day affairs
of life it is more useful to reason forwards, and so
the other comes to be neglected. There are fifty who can reason
synthetically for one who can reason analytically." - Sherlock


DaffyD® said:
I'm running Office XP on a Windows 2000 machine. Since Windows 2007 will
work with this OS I'm thinking of buying Windows 2003 since it's so cheap
these days. My question is, is there really any difference between the two
versions? What are the benefits of upgrading to 2003? Thanks.

Unless 2003 has one or more new functions that you really must have, IMHO I
wouldn't bother...


I'm running Office XP on a Windows 2000 machine. Since Windows 2007 will not
work with this OS I'm thinking of buying Windows 2003 since it's so cheap
these days. My question is, is there really any difference between the two
versions? What are the benefits of upgrading to 2003? Thanks.


Galen said:
My reply is at the bottom of your sent message.


To be entirely honest and not attempt to sell you an upgrade you probably
don't require - what is your incentive to change from Office XP to anything

In other words, if you upgrade to Windows 2k3 then, unless I'm missing
something, your version of Office XP should work just fine. The same license
issues are there - one install at a time - but it should work just fine.

Your question isn't really that clear. You say "Windows 2007" and "Windows
2003" but I suspect you mean Office instead of Windows. In short, if your
current version does all that you need it to do there's no reason (no major
benefits) to update until you get a new PC and a new operating system.

Galen (Not Current MS-MVP)

My Geek Site:
Web Hosting:

"In solving a problem of this sort, the grand thing is to be able to reason
backwards. That is a very useful accomplishment, and a
very easy one, but people do not practise it much. In the every-day affairs
of life it is more useful to reason forwards, and so
the other comes to be neglected. There are fifty who can reason
synthetically for one who can reason analytically." - Sherlock

You're right; I did mean Office 2003 & 2007. Thank you for your response.

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