Office2003 reinstall query



Hi - I have been trying to repair a friend's laptop which had become riddled
with viruses and trojans - Smitfraud, VirtuMonde etc.,etc. Lots of them. I
have managed to get rid of many but there are still some lurking somewhere
in the system - popups still keep appearing. I wish therefore to do a
complete reinstall. She can find the original XP Professional installation
disk but not the Office 2003 disk.

I can probably get the original product key from the laptop before
reinstalling windows (Belarc) so could I install Office 2003 from my own HUP
Office 2003 disk but using her product key? If so, would this comply with MS

Any advice would be much appreciated,


You may want to talk with a licensing specialist to be sure, but as far as I
understand, as long as you are installing the correct version / product key
combination, it's the product key that provides you the legal license. It
shouldn't matter what media is used as long as the key was obtained legally.


Hi Mezzodiva - Thanks for your reply, your understanding of the situation re
the licensing is similar to what I was thinking. I'll go ahead and give it a
Many thanks again.


Keep in mind this is a peer support forum, and to be sure, you may want to
speak to a licensing specialist at Microsoft.

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