Office97 ?


E. Schultz

Posted this a while ago, but either missed the replies, or
didn't get any. Would've followed-up sooner, but got sidetracked.

Have Office97 SBE\SR-2 on a 266\P2 with Win98SE.

Have installed some Office97 updates and patches since SR-2
but not others (particularly the more recent ones).

Downloaded the ones I haven't installed with the intention of
installing them, but all of them indicate a requirement for SR-2b.

Went to the FAQ's and got the information about how to tell
which version of SR-2\SR-2b I have, and did a file-search to
see if in-fact, I was at SR-2b level or better. Here are the results.

File Old Version New Version My VersionMsexcl35.dll 3.51.0623.2 3.51.2723.2 ????????? Msjet35.dll 3.51.0623.0 3.51.2723.0 3.51.3203.0Msrepl35.dll 3.51.2010.0 3.51.2404.0 3.51.3007.1Rm.dll Regarding "Msexcl35.dll". I don't have that file.

I do however have an "Msexcl40.dll" version 4.00.2927.9.

Is my Office97 installation at SR-2b level or better, and will it support those updates and patches that require it ?..............Izzy

Rob Schneider

E. Schultz said:
Posted this a while ago, but either missed the replies, or
didn't get any. Would've followed-up sooner, but got sidetracked.

Have Office97 SBE\SR-2 on a 266\P2 with Win98SE.

Have installed some Office97 updates and patches since SR-2
but not others (particularly the more recent ones).

Downloaded the ones I haven't installed with the intention of
installing them, but all of them indicate a requirement for SR-2b.

Went to the FAQ's and got the information about how to tell
which version of SR-2\SR-2b I have, and did a file-search to
see if in-fact, I was at SR-2b level or better. Here are the results.

File Old Version New Version My VersionMsexcl35.dll 3.51.0623.2 3.51.2723.2 ????????? Msjet35.dll 3.51.0623.0 3.51.2723.0 3.51.3203.0Msrepl35.dll 3.51.2010.0 3.51.2404.0 3.51.3007.1Rm.dll Regarding "Msexcl35.dll". I don't have that file.

I do however have an "Msexcl40.dll" version 4.00.2927.9.

Is my Office97 installation at SR-2b level or better, and will it support those updates and patches that require it ?..............Izzy

You are asking questions that are probably not known by people.

Are you having any particular problems with Offce 97 that needed fixing?
If not, then why is this an issue?

Eric Booth

Have a look at this . It will check your machine and tell you what is installed
Eric Booth

Posted this a while ago, but either missed the replies, or
didn't get any. Would've followed-up sooner, but got sidetracked.

Have Office97 SBE\SR-2 on a 266\P2 with Win98SE.

Have installed some Office97 updates and patches since SR-2
but not others (particularly the more recent ones).

Downloaded the ones I haven't installed with the intention of
installing them, but all of them indicate a requirement for SR-2b.

Went to the FAQ's and got the information about how to tell
which version of SR-2\SR-2b I have, and did a file-search to
see if in-fact, I was at SR-2b level or better. Here are the results.

File Old Version New Version My VersionMsexcl35.dll 3.51.0623.2 3.51.2723.2 ????????? Msjet35.dll 3.51.0623.0 3.51.2723.0 3.51.3203.0Msrepl35.dll 3.51.2010.0 3.51.2404.0 3.51.3007.1Rm.dll Regarding "Msexcl35.dll". I don't have that file.

I do however have an "Msexcl40.dll" version 4.00.2927.9.

Is my Office97 installation at SR-2b level or better, and will it support those updates and patches that require it ?..............Izzy

E. Schultz

Normally Rob, I'd agree with you!
I'm basically in the "don't fix what aint broke" camp,
but, because it looks like I'm going to be using it for
a bit longer than I'd anticipated, I'm thinking that it's
probably a good idea to go ahead and install the
few updates and/or patches that're missing.....Izzy
Rob Schneider said:
Leave well enough alone.

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