E. Schultz
Posted this a while ago, but either missed the replies, or
didn't get any. Would've followed-up sooner, but got sidetracked.
Have Office97 SBE\SR-2 on a 266\P2 with Win98SE.
Have installed some Office97 updates and patches since SR-2
but not others (particularly the more recent ones).
Downloaded the ones I haven't installed with the intention of
installing them, but all of them indicate a requirement for SR-2b.
Went to the FAQ's and got the information about how to tell
which version of SR-2\SR-2b I have, and did a file-search to
see if in-fact, I was at SR-2b level or better. Here are the results.
File Old Version New Version My VersionMsexcl35.dll 3.51.0623.2 3.51.2723.2 ????????? Msjet35.dll 3.51.0623.0 3.51.2723.0 3.51.3203.0Msrepl35.dll 3.51.2010.0 3.51.2404.0 3.51.3007.1Rm.dll Regarding "Msexcl35.dll". I don't have that file.
I do however have an "Msexcl40.dll" version 4.00.2927.9.
Is my Office97 installation at SR-2b level or better, and will it support those updates and patches that require it ?..............Izzy
didn't get any. Would've followed-up sooner, but got sidetracked.
Have Office97 SBE\SR-2 on a 266\P2 with Win98SE.
Have installed some Office97 updates and patches since SR-2
but not others (particularly the more recent ones).
Downloaded the ones I haven't installed with the intention of
installing them, but all of them indicate a requirement for SR-2b.
Went to the FAQ's and got the information about how to tell
which version of SR-2\SR-2b I have, and did a file-search to
see if in-fact, I was at SR-2b level or better. Here are the results.
File Old Version New Version My VersionMsexcl35.dll 3.51.0623.2 3.51.2723.2 ????????? Msjet35.dll 3.51.0623.0 3.51.2723.0 3.51.3203.0Msrepl35.dll 3.51.2010.0 3.51.2404.0 3.51.3007.1Rm.dll Regarding "Msexcl35.dll". I don't have that file.
I do however have an "Msexcl40.dll" version 4.00.2927.9.
Is my Office97 installation at SR-2b level or better, and will it support those updates and patches that require it ?..............Izzy