OfficeMac- Transferrd to new Computer Issue



So all my other programs transferred just fine but Office for Mac ...
I have 3 keys ... the old computer is no longer in use yet when i open
word I get an error message that i have exceeded my permitted number
of uses which i have not. Can anyone help me???

Mahalo & Aloha,

John McGhie

Yeah, when you transferred the program, you also transferred the licence
key. So now you've got the same key in use twice :)

Remove the key and use a different one (or: power down the old computer).

To remove the key, start the Remove Office tool. Immediately press the
"Option" key, and it will give you the option of removing the installed key.
You can then enter one of the other keys.


So all my other programs transferred just fine but Office for Mac ...
I have 3 keys ... the old computer is no longer in use yet when i open
word I get an error message that i have exceeded my permitted number
of uses which i have not. Can anyone help me???

Mahalo & Aloha,

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John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

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