OfficeXP/2003 to Office2K compatibility



Hi All,
I have a VB6 application where I use late binding on a word object.
I need to know whether I'm gonna run into any compatibility problems when
using the application on a computer running Office2K. I can't do the obvious
(which is to install the app on a machine running Office2K) because I don't
have this version :)
Are there any main issues I should address and if not where can I find a
reference to compare the object models of the different versions?

Jonathan West

Oren said:
Hi All,
I have a VB6 application where I use late binding on a word object.
I need to know whether I'm gonna run into any compatibility problems when
using the application on a computer running Office2K. I can't do the obvious
(which is to install the app on a machine running Office2K) because I don't
have this version :)
Are there any main issues I should address and if not where can I find a
reference to compare the object models of the different versions?

The key issue is whether you are making use of any objects and properties
that are new to Word 2002. There really isn't a way to be sure without
testing. But you can check the Word VBA Help file, the section "What's new
in Word 2002" and see whether it lists any features you are using in your

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