Hi. I had a similar problem and found out that the following worked very well.
1. Find updated file on another computer.
2. Right click on the ASYCFILT.DLL and select properties.
3. Go to the Version tab.
4. In File Version, make sure that the version is 2.40.4277.1.
5. Click Ok to close the box.
6. If the file is the correct verion, right click and copy the file.
7. Insert a floppy disk into the floppy disk drive. Open My Computer,
open floppy drive. Paste the file on the floppy disk. Take the disk to your
computer and paste the file to your desktop. (Windows won't allow you to
paste directly to its original location C:\windows\system because of a
sharing violation.)
8. Restart the computer in MS-DOS
9. At C:\Windows enter CD C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM
11. The system will ask you, overwrite c:\windows\system\ASYCFILT.DLL
(yes/no/all)? Type Y.
12. The system will indicate, C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\ASYCFILT.DLL =>
13. then you will be at the following prompt: c:\windows\system>
type Exit to get back to Windows
I hope this helps you! I know it worked great for me. That DOS training I
had nearly 13 years ago sure did help!
Take care,