OfficeXP locations of macros, add-ins, etc? lost coming from Office97


Keith R

I use O97 at work and home. At work, a few people are starting to upgrade
to WinXP with OfficeXP.

One of my users used to have macros stored in a workbook so that every time
XL opened, those macros would be available to all other workbooks (via
toolbar buttons)

Now that she is on XP, we haven't been able to get it to work. I even tried
saving the file with macros as an XLA and added it in, but the macros were
not available to assign to the toolbar. Also tried the XL start folder
under the user's account in WinXP, but that didn't seem to work either
(although that could have been me, our IS dept puts all sorts of weird
paths and security restrictions in their deployed images)

Can anyone give an XP newbie some quick advice on where to put macros so
that the workbook they are in is not visible, but always open, and the
macros can be linked to toolbar buttons?


Tom Ogilvy

the assignment is to a specific macro in a specific workbook in a specific
folder. I suspect you have changed the location of the folder or for
whatever reason, the assignment does not point to the actual location of the
macros. So you need to reassign the macros.

as an example, checking an assignment using the immediate window:

? commandbars("Custom1").Controls(1).OnAction

So if I didn't have secondfile.xls located in C:\data or if it didn't
contain a macro in module1 named btn1_click, pressing the button would fail.

If I move the file, then the assignment won't be automatically adjusted.

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